
Kariyazaki Shogo was in the top page of Washington post this morning. It is about how, despite being openly gay, he is widely accepted in public. The article also mentions other facts suggesting that more and more Japanese men are getting softer. I am not sure the tone of the article is positive or negative. Also, I don't understand why the topic was worth being in the top page. Is it against our public image? Do Japanese appear to be liberal? Is this a message for gay people that they should go to Japan?

そういえばこの人昔、NHKの「ようこそ先輩 課外授業」だっけ、そんな番組に出てたな。全然違和感なかった。アメリカでは、ゲイの方がそんな番組にでるなんてことはないのかな。
